Audubon Part 1
Audubon’s illustrations were published in 87 Parts between 1827 and 1838 and the total collection numbers 435 paintings.
The cost of buying a complete collection immediately is beyond the dreams of most collectors, so Heritage Prints has devised a system to enable this dream to come to be realised over time.
Part 1 includes
- Wild Turkey (plate 1),
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo (plate 2),
- Prothonotary Warbler (plate 3),
- Purple Finch (plate 4) and
- Bonaparte’s Flycatcher (plate 5).
Wild Turkey
The Wild Turkey is depicted life size on Double Elephant Folio in a proud vertical position. At the same time, the interesting diagonal composition creates tension in the work.
Although the bird walks to the right, the bird ‘does not run off the paper’, because the bird’s head is turned the other way. This ensures balance in the painting.
Audubon wanted to depict the birds he painted life sized, and in this case, it was only possible to do by showing the bird looking backwards.
The Turkey is depicted in its natural environment and the background has deliberately been kept bland, to focus attention on the bird.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
The copper plate used to create the Yellow-billed Cuckoo image is 20 7/8 x 26 3/8 inches or 51×67 cm.
Two cuckoos are depicted in a horizontal frame containing a multitude of expressive diagonal lines. Not only are the birds shown busy and moving, but Audubon enhances the overall effect by showing branches, leaves and a butterfly.
A very dynamic painting.
Prothonotary Warbler
The Prothonotary Warbler is a small songbird.
This cheerful bird bounces along branches like a golden torch in the dim lowlands of swampy forests.
In this image, Audubon has been able to capture the bird’s mobility.
At the same time, he cleverly shows us both the back and the belly of the bird. The underside is bright yellow and its green feathers have almost the same colour as its surrounding.
The size of the painting is 20 ½ x 12 ½ inches or 52×32 cm.
Purple Finch
The Purple Finch is not really purple but has more of an old rose colour.
In a diagonal composition, Audubon has depicted the male from above and below, with the female on a lower branch.
By applying the complementary colours red and green in the image, this simple composition is really captivating.
The size of this painting is 20 3/8 x 12 1/2 inches or 52×32 cm.
Bonaparte's Flycatcher
In this image of the Bonaparte’s Flycatcher Audubon paid great attention to the bright red seed pods of the large magnolia, while the small grey-and-yellow bird is barely visible between the thick leaves.
Audubon writes in his diary that he was never been able to observe this bird in its natural habitat. He did, however, catch a wounded warbler and he “[… ] had the pleasure of drawing the bird alive and full of spirit.”